
Developing python projects associated with all use the same structure and workflow. At a later point these will refer to that website for documentation.

Bootstrap the project

Install and git and uv


$ git clone
$ cd vcspull

Install packages:

$ uv sync --all-extras --dev

Development loop


pytest is used for tests.

Rerun on file change

via pytest-watcher (works out of the box):

$ make start

via entr(1) (requires installation):

$ make watch_test

Manual (just the command, please)

$ uv run py.test


$ make test

pytest options

PYTEST_ADDOPTS can be set in the commands below. For more information read for the latest documentation.


$ env PYTEST_ADDOPTS="-verbose" make start

Drop into pdb on first error:

$ env PYTEST_ADDOPTS="-x -s --pdb" make start

If you have ipython installed:

$ env PYTEST_ADDOPTS="--pdbcls=IPython.terminal.debugger:TerminalPdb" \
    make start


sphinx is used for documentation generation. In the future this may change to docusaurus.

Default preview server: http://localhost:8022

Rerun on file change

sphinx-autobuild will automatically build the docs, it also handles launching a server, rebuilding file changes, and updating content in the browser:

$ cd docs
$ make start

If doing css adjustments:

$ make design

Rebuild docs on file change (requires entr(1)):

$ cd docs
$ make dev

If not GNU Make / no -J support, use two terminals:

$ make watch
$ make serve

Manual (just the command, please)

$ cd docs


$ make html

Launch server:

$ make serve



The project uses ruff to handle formatting, sorting imports and linting.


$ uv run ruff check .

If you setup manually:

$ ruff check .
$ make ruff
$ make watch_ruff

requires entr(1).


$ uv run ruff check . --fix

If you setup manually:

$ ruff check . --fix

ruff format

ruff format is used for formatting.


$ uv run ruff format .

If you setup manually:

$ ruff format .
$ make ruff_format


mypy is used for static type checking.


$ uv run mypy .

If you setup manually:

$ mypy .
$ make mypy
$ make watch_mypy

requires entr(1).

See [tool.mypy] in pyproject.toml.

python_version = 3.9
warn_unused_configs = true
files = [
strict = true

Publishing to PyPI

uv handles virtualenv creation, package requirements, versioning, building, and publishing. Therefore there is no or requirements files.

Update __version__ in and pyproject.toml::

git commit -m 'build(vcspull): Tag v0.1.1'
git tag v0.1.1
git push
git push --tags

GitHub Actions will detect the new git tag, and in its own workflow run uv build and push to PyPI.