vcspull sync


usage: vcspull sync [-h] [--config config-file] [--exit-on-error] [filter ...]

Positional Arguments


patterns / terms of repos, accepts globs / fnmatch(3)

Named Arguments

--config, -c

optional filepath to specify vcspull config

--exit-on-error, -x

exit immediately encountering error (when syncing multiple repos)

Default: False

Filtering repos

As of 1.13.x, $ vcspull sync with no args passed will show a help dialog:

$ vcspull sync
Usage: vcspull sync [OPTIONS] [REPO_TERMS]...

Sync all repos

Depending on how your terminal works with shell escapes for expands such as the wild card / asterisk, you may not need to quote *.

$ vcspull sync '*'


Filter all repos start with “django-“:

$ vcspull sync 'django-*'

Multiple terms

Filter all repos start with “django-“:

$ vcspull sync 'django-anymail' 'django-guardian'

Error handling

Repos not found in config

As of 1.13.x, if you enter a repo term (or terms) that aren’t found throughout your configurations, it will show a warning:

$ vcspull sync non_existent_repo
No repo found in config(s) for "non_existent_repo"
$ vcspull sync non_existent_repo existing_repo
No repo found in config(s) for "non_existent_repo"
$ vcspull sync non_existent_repo existing_repo another_repo_not_in_config
No repo found in config(s) for "non_existent_repo"
No repo found in config(s) for "another_repo_not_in_config"

Since syncing terms are treated as a filter rather than a lookup, the message is considered a warning, so will not exit even if --exit-on-error flag is used.


As of 1.13.x, vcspull will continue to the next repo if an error is encountered when syncing multiple repos.

To imitate the old behavior, the --exit-on-error / -x flag:

$ vcspull sync --exit-on-error grako django

Print traceback for errored repos:

$ vcspull --log-level DEBUG sync --exit-on-error grako django